Blue Earth
Glazer's Camera
On The Market

IN THE LOUPE: Mark Moffett

07 May 2009
Published in In the Loupe

Home and office location: Greenport, N.Y., on Long Island, but he‚ not there for very long stretches. "Home is where you store stuff," Moffett says. 

Most memorable assignment: Photographing Phyllobates terribilis, the world‚ deadliest poison dart frog, in a remote valley in Colombia when the frog decided to leap at him. A single frog, which is lethal to the touch, could kill 400 to 500 people.

Advice for nature photographers: "Know the science behind what is being photographed," he says. "Look for the new and be a storyteller. The fact is, I believe life is all about telling stories."

Website: MarkMoffett.com

Mark Moffett: The Adventures of Doctor Bugs

07 May 2009
Published in Nature and Wildlife

Entomologist and photographer Mark Moffett uses his magnified  images to tell the larger-than-life stories of the natural world.

On the outside, Mark Moffett may be 51 years of age. But deep down inside, he‚ still a shy little kid wandering through the woods, searching for bugs, snakes and other small creatures.  And like any playful youngster, he‚ not above dumping a huge spider on the head of a terrified Conan O‚Brien on his late-night TV show or handing an African bullfrog weighing nearly five pounds to a somewhat apprehensive Stephen Colbert on "The Colbert Report."